Oppressed people are people who are oppressed for long periods of time, forced to do unhuman labor or activities against their will for the benefit of someone else. Systems of Oppression is an organized way of Oppressing People, like slavery, which was an organized way for people with power, to force people with little or no power, to do their work or bidding against their will. The levels of Oppression are levels or categories of Oppression that people face everyday, and how oppression is categorized on a scale. One way people experience different levels of oppression and systems of oppressions is The school to Prison Pipeline Program, which categorizes youth based on behavior analysis did by Law Enforcement in school, And a decision on who’s going to prison and who isn’t.
First off, Some ways Oppressed People experience the different levels of oppressions and levels of oppressions like those in the School to Prison Pipeline, is institutional, which categorizes students based on behavior analysis done by Law Enforcement to decide who goes to prison and who succeeds. In the school to Prison Pipeline document, It talks about how Law Enforcement analyze behavior analysis from Schools like suspensions or any type of disciplinary acts, and based on the info, they are categorized on who is likely to go to prison, and who will succeed, an early process of criminalization. The School to Prison Pipeline document is an article on The internet, created by Nicki Lisa Cole on April 25, 2017. One quote from this article is, “Once suspended or expelled, data shows that students are less likely to complete high school, more than twice as likely to be arrested while on forced leave from school, and more likely to be in contact with the juvenile justice system during the year that follows the leave.” This quote explains how some oppressed people experience the difference systems of oppressions and levels of oppressions, because this type of oppression is Institutional, a level of oppression, which categorizes anything based on info., like the suspension/expulsion data in this document, and categorizes who is going to jail and who is going to succeed.
Lastly, Some ways Oppressed People experience the different levels of oppressions and levels of oppressions, like The girls in The Acid Attacks, which was Interpersonal, who were being kept from receiving an education by terrorist in Afghanistan. In The Acid Attacks document, girls in Afghanistan were being tortured and punished unjusticevely for trying to receive an education, by Terrorists Groups who believe that woman are something they can control, and if they can receive an education, will revolt against their rule. The Acid Attacks document is an article online, and was created by Allie torgan on March 17, 2016. In this document one quote that supports my claim is, “It is heartbreaking to see the way these terrorists treat … women,” said Jan, 68. “In their eyes, a women is an object that they can control. They are scared that when these girls get an education, they will become aware of their rights as women and as a human being.” This quote explains how Some Oppressed People experience the different levels of oppressions and levels of oppressions, because this type of oppression is interpersonal, a level of oppression which is use to categorize a certain group of people, like the girls in Afghanistan in this document, who were being tortured and killed for trying to receive and education, by Terrorist Organizations in Afghanistan