Assignment #5

Spencer Tuivailala

An Identity, The Qualities of a person that define who they are. The Dominant Narative, a narative that people in a position of privalege tell about someone who is not. Counter Narative, A story or perspective that people who are marginalized tell about themselves. The reason why is because not all Dominant Naratives are true, and freedom of speech is the reason of counter Narative.

Adding on to that, A dominant Narative is a story said by people with privallege about someone who is not, and for me, lot of peopel will say things that are not true, which is why there is a counter narativeOne Picture I have is a picture with a fake dictionary definition of how to describe polynesian which said there good for rugby, eating and football / self employed work. People tend to think since the majority of polynesians are big, people think theyre just brute strenghth when in reality, they have minds of their own, and can be educated one way or the other. Another picture I have is a picture of a world map, but instead of country names, is replaced by what america supposedly ” thinks ” of that country. People think just because America is a big coorporate buisness country, we are heartless and do not care about everyone else.

2 thoughts on “Assignment #5”

  1. Dear Spencer,
    I am amazed about your “Shadow Box” because you explained what a dominant and counter narratives are. It is important to explain what a dominant and counter narratives are because some people might not know what it means. Something that you need to work on is your spelling and you should’ve put more things so it wouldn’t look blank.

    1. Dear Kimberely,
      Thank you for your feedback. I will try harder next time to fix my errors and mistkes in my next project.

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